My father introduced me to the sprue when I was four years old back in 1991 when we sat down to build a Monogram SnapTite F-14. Ships and cars soon followed. I was hooked!
When he passed shortly thereafter I kept on building with anyone who would entertain me.
Independence came sometime around age seven with the Revell Monogram USS Missouri. Assembly, painting, and (to the delight of my mom) cleanup were all done myself.
As the years progressed, more paints were added to the collection, techniques improved, and completed models were added to the shelves. By high school I started to become more serious about learning the craft. An airbrush followed and a world of opportunities opened.
Then came college.
Then came the start of my career.
Maybe things slow down in your thirties or maybe I just needed to build something I could hold. Whatever the reason may be, I am happy to say I am back on the sprue!
I hope you join me for the next part of this exciting journey...